He drove us across the street over to NV Eastern property land, drove up onto the low lying grass, parked the tram facing the church and simply sat and talked for 20 minutes or so.
WHAT I’M THINKING – Shawn Jr. & I talked about nothing special… but all of it was special because it was with my SON.
WHAT I’M THINKING – We watched the sun slowly setting behind the New Venture Campus and thought…”what an amazing sight and BEAUTIFUL CAMPUS” – the Lord has been exceptionally good to our New Venture family (Eph 3:20).
WHAT I’M THINKING – As we could feel and smell the gentle ocean breeze coming up from the canyons behind our New Venture Home, I thought – In life we get consumed with all of the little things (i.e. meetings, demands, etc.)… but leaving my desk for 20 minutes and enjoying the “big picture” reminded me of the amazing miracle that all of us at New Venture are experiencing and are a part of.
WHAT I’M THINKING – That the 20 minutes that I gave my son, for a brief “field trip” across the street from our church, to catch up as father and son, enjoy the view, and each other… were 20 minutes of priceless memories that will last a lifetime.
I’m reminded of that verse: “ I thank my God upon every REMEMBRANCE…” (Phil 1:3). A great day. Great memories. Thanks for sharing in them with me!