Thursday, August 30, 2018

Overcoming the enemy's attempts to undermine your objectives

Have you ever been knee-deep in ministry and your plans seem to get foiled? It's not always easy to see- but the enemy is always hard at work, trying to cause difficulty in our lives. Just when it appears that we have succeeded in our ministry efforts... the enemy rears his ugly head and reminds us that we as Christians are constantly under attack.

One important thing to do is recognize that it was not God that stopped you but the enemy. 
The reason you need to decipher the source of the interference  is that knowing the enemy is trying to stop you will help you keep on track. It will keep you from giving up and from blaming yourself. 
Another important thing to do is to realize that this difficulty is fleeting. Just know that the enemy's assault will end, and you will move forward. 
Keep looking for  a way to achieve God's objectives. The enemy LOVES trying to interfere and frustrate us, especially those of us that work in a ministry. He just LOVES to try to thwart God's plans... don't let him!  And never give up!

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Blessed are the peacemakers.

It is a tough topic to discuss: Children and parents are being separated at US borders due to President Trump's zero tolerance policy on immigration.  The subject of this matter is extremely controversial. Whether you are a Democrat, a Republican, or somewhere in the middle... the bottom line is this: These poor families are SUFFERING.  Often times it is the unknown and 'what if's' that are the most frightening to any of us.  Seeing the reunification pictures of some of these families is a very humbling experience. This is such a bittersweet photo: The joy of the reunification combined with the relief from the lingering fear and unknown.  God only knows what the child went though and what the parents went through during the separation. 

The Bible commands Christians to help the poor, to recognize the importance of family, and to love thy neighbors just as we would ourselves.  Regardless of who you vote for or what your stance is on immigration, we must all realize that we are ALL children of God and should treat each  other accordingly. At the very least, we can respect ALL people and realize that everyone on this planet is an equal in God's eyes.

At the end of the day, we are called to be loving Christians to all people in the world... and not only loving, but we are instructed to be peacemakers.  Don't be fooled by the world news which will often times rile us up and make us angry toward the "other" side of whatever it is we are in favor of.  Break things down to the very simple concept of this: Be nice, be kind, be loving, be empathetic. This is what we have been instructed to do.  When we do these things and behave accordingly, not only does it feel good but the blessings we are given start to become so much more apparent.

Matthew 5:9 "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God".

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

In God We Trust!

This past week, the state of Florida passed a bill that became a law that specifically states each school district is required to display the state motto (IN GOD WE TRUST) in all of the schools in the district and in each building used by the district school board.  A caveat to this is that the motto must be display conspicuously on school grounds.  Christian state representative,  Kimberly Daniels, stated that the motto is inscribed on the state capitol as well as on our currency, and therefore needs to be displayed in schools.
 This new law and the implications of it are MONUMENTAL.  So many Americans have been praying for this for years, to only receive resistance from the non-theology based leaders.  This is truly something that needs to be celebrated! 

The power of prayer is a very real concept that has very real outcomes, such as the new Florida legislature. When thousands of people are in prayer for the same outcome, there WILL be results.  

Last night at New Venture was a night to remember as we had a Great 1 Hour of Prayer evening.  Hundreds of people came, to include our Spanish ministry and members.  There was powerful worship, many prayer requests, and even tears were shed.  Everyone there came for one common denomination: They needed prayer or they needed to pray over someone else.  The 1 Hour of Prayer is always a tremendously powerful experience.  It is unlike any other function at New Venture.  The Sanctuary is FILLED with the Spirit.  Anyone who attends these will tell you the same thing... there is just something truly miraculous about prayer in groups.

Similar to the new Florida school law, which is largely due to the power of prayer, New Venture witnessed souls being saved last night- non-believers feeling the power of prayer, at the very least.  There is absolutely a connection between large groups of people praying together and SEEING RESULTS!

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Longing to belong

It is human nature: We ALL long to belong.  Whether it be in relationship with a significant other, being accepted in the workplace, or having a diverse circle of friends... there is something about BELONGING that makes us have high self esteem, feel comfort, and feel 'normal'. 

That's why New Venture is putting such a huge emphasis on the launching of our Small Groups this upcoming season with our newest series "Quest to be the Best"

We have a vast array of Small Groups and which have something to offer to EVERYONE.

Types of Small Groups 
The following small groups are currently functioning at New Venture Christian Fellowship. These models are utilized at NVCF. 
Small Groups (Sermon-based, Home) 
Utilize discussion questions from the church program. 
Service Groups 
For those who are serving together in the same ministry, (i.e. Frontlines, media, youth, worship, etc.) 
Affinity Groups 
Groups formed around common age, interest and/or experiences. 

Whether you want to go bowling, surfing, are in recovery, or just want to read the Word together- we surely have a group that you BELONG in. I can promise you this... you will not regret getting involved in one of our Small Groups!  Jesus modeled the importance of relationships by spending three years with twelve men (the disciples)... and they changed the world!

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

We live in a very fast paced world in this day and age.  We are so concerned about out own first-world problems, while hurrying to the nearest Starbucks, that we forget that many people have much greater struggles than we do.  I was at a coffee shop yesterday and I started up a casual conversation with the barista.  He informed me that he was very tired because he had two full time jobs and had an 18 hour work shift ahead of him.  I took the time to listen and then went on with my day after a "God bless you" to him.  On the drive home, something hit me about that conversation.  This gentleman was working two full time jobs to keep a roof over his head for his young family.  Me?  I was on my way to my next errand and then would head home at a reasonable time to work on my message and be with my own family.  The gentleman at the coffee shop was not complaining at all- he was simply telling me about his life because I gave the impression that I would listen.

But do we really listen to strangers?  Do we really show that we care by our actions?  

Matthew 25: 35-40