It is a tough topic to discuss: Children and parents are being separated at US borders due to President Trump's zero tolerance policy on immigration. The subject of this matter is extremely controversial. Whether you are a Democrat, a Republican, or somewhere in the middle... the bottom line is this: These poor families are SUFFERING. Often times it is the unknown and 'what if's' that are the most frightening to any of us. Seeing the reunification pictures of some of these families is a very humbling experience. This is such a bittersweet photo: The joy of the reunification combined with the relief from the lingering fear and unknown. God only knows what the child went though and what the parents went through during the separation.
The Bible commands Christians to help the poor, to recognize the importance of family, and to love thy neighbors just as we would ourselves. Regardless of who you vote for or what your stance is on immigration, we must all realize that we are ALL children of God and should treat each other accordingly. At the very least, we can respect ALL people and realize that everyone on this planet is an equal in God's eyes.
At the end of the day, we are called to be loving Christians to all people in the world... and not only loving, but we are instructed to be peacemakers. Don't be fooled by the world news which will often times rile us up and make us angry toward the "other" side of whatever it is we are in favor of. Break things down to the very simple concept of this: Be nice, be kind, be loving, be empathetic. This is what we have been instructed to do. When we do these things and behave accordingly, not only does it feel good but the blessings we are given start to become so much more apparent.
Matthew 5:9 "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God".
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