Thursday, December 21, 2017

No one has ever become poor from giving...

New Venture is currently wrapping up our annual Ring & Run project.  We were provided lists from hundreds of  families requesting toys, clothing, electronics, diapers, etc., to give their children. We then wrapped the gifts and delivered them to the homes of these families, for their children.  

These were families who unable to afford to provide these toys and other items- some of which were the bare necessity items (diapers, pajamas, etc).  While I was at the store picking up some of the requested items, I instantly felt filled with joy and gratitude... it hit me like a ton of bricks.  The most rewarding feeling in life is to give to others- especially children, like these, that were simply asking for a toy to unwrap on Christmas.  

I'm sure you have all heard others say that they cannot afford to spend any more money than they already do on their day to day bills.  You have probably said that to yourself a time or two... and so have I!  But as Hebrews 6:10 says, "God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you helped His people and continue to help them".  

So what I am saying is... It's worth it!  Not only does it feel amazing to give and make that sweet child's Christmas special, but the Lord says that he will also reward you for doing so!

I encourage each and every one of you to give back this Christmas.  Reach out to others and see how you can help them.  It may be something as simple as inviting them to your Christmas event, buying a toy for a child in a struggling family, or bringing someone to church.  You will be rewarded by the ultimate example... our Father.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Fires of Evangelism

As most of you are probably aware, there are some serious fires burning through the state of California.  Though the major fires are in the Northern part of Los Angeles, they are making their way in San Diego County's direction.  Even the San Diego residents can smell the smoke and see the clear skies slowly starting to darken over.  What a tragedy! 

There are thousands of brave firefighters from over 100 California fire departments, treacherously fighting their way through the blazes at this time.  We are not panicking- but we are PRAYING for these heroes.

Let us all pray that the "Fires of Evangelism" will sweep throughout the country- praying for the residents who have lost their homes, their pets, their property. Pray for the people who are facing the terrible unknown, being evacuated from their homes and not knowing whether or not they will ever be able to return to an in-tact property.  Pray for the health and well-being of the first responders, who are selflessly putting their own lives and well-being on the line in an effort to assist those who cannot help themselves.  Pray that all can turn their hearts to the One, our Lord, and give it up to Him.