Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012: The Year of Venturing Out

Within hours, 2011 is soon to give way to 2012. The Bible says “You crown the year with Your bounty…” (Psalm 65:11). I absolutely believe that is what the Lord has planned for you as we approach the dawn of this exciting New Year.

At New Venture Christian Fellowship, 2012 is The Year of Venturing Out. I’m looking forward to what He has in store for me… and you – as this is truly the year of God–sized expectations, big attempts and courageous faith.

As you step into 2012, I want to encourage you to join me and our NV family in Venturing Out by making a Bible reading plan a part of your entire year. A few of us will be attempting to read through God’s word in 90 days (quite a challenge, but if you’ve got the time you may want to try it) with a plan called B-90, others will enjoy reading through The One Year Bible, while others still will read an At Your Own Pace Bible plan.

If you’re in the area and around New Venture on Tuesday nights, beginning January 3rd, The Quiet Place kicks off in the Connections Café from 6-7pm. It’s a once a week gathering for those committed to keeping the Bible as priority in their lives this year. You’ll experience quiet time in The Quiet Place, and a chance to catch up on your reading for that day (or week).

You’ll enjoy a comfortable atmosphere and a time to connect with God through your own individual reading. Just imagine your favorite Starbucks or Barnes & Noble – with light food and beverages available (and free Wi-Fi) -- at the Connections Café every Tuesday night. I look forward to seeing you there.
Ready to experience your best year yet? I am! I can’t wait…Happy New Year!!!

Your friend and pastor,
Pastor Shawn