Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Only a few weeks into the New Year and already God is moving at New Venture especially with our new, life-changing “NO REGRETS: Living the Life You are Meant to Live” series. Based upon Kerry and Chris Shook’s book One Month To Live, our entire ministry is gaining a fresh, new perspective on honoring God by “Living life like we’re dying!!” Do that, and you’ll find yourself living better! I love John 10:10 in the Message Bible – “I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.”

Ken Blanchard who’s a bestselling author, management expert and firm believer in our Lord, and has ministered here at NVCF, has said,

That’s a powerful dose of conviction right there.

As human beings, we all have varying interests. And those, in and of themselves are not necessarily bad things. Back in the day (a looongtime ago), when I was a regular dancer on the hit television show, Soul Train (I know, hard to believe, huh?!) I used to enjoy shaking it up on the dance floor. And boy - while I still love to dance - I love it so much more when God get’s my spirit dancing for Him, rather than the amazing things that He continually does, rather than secular television. Interests like the latest fads and trends are often interchangeable or replaceable. But more often than not, sometimes interests capture our attention away from committing our gifts, hearts, resources and even our time to heavenly matters – like living life for eternity, and not solely time...

21 years ago today, one of the biggest commitments I ever made to Jesus was to be the best father I could be to my son, Shawn Jr. No longer was parenting an interest, it was something I pledged everything I was, everything I would be and everything I had to. What changed…love is what changed. I was now responsible for the rearing of another human being in this world. I could see clearly what God must have felt knowing the sacrifice He’d pay because you and I were more than just His interests but rather his adopted sons and daughters. And His commitment to us is most evident in the sacrificial life and death of His Son, Jesus Christ. Now that’s commitment!

The direction of where we choose to take our faith lies in where our hearts are at. Today, ask yourself is church my interest or is my relationship with my Lord and Savior, my commitment? And if you can’t say the latter, I pray you come this weekend to discover more about what’s holding you back as we explore a life where we’re just breathing versus a life that’s breathtaking!

Join us, we’re saving a spot just for you… and so is God.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Resolutions and Results - God's Way

Dear New Venture Family and Friends,

It's that time of year again.…The beginning of a new start, a point in time to start fresh, to turn a new leaf, to write some goals, and more importantly, to be resolved! Welcome to 2013.

Today, approximately 45% of Americans dedicate this time to write out formal New Year's Resolutions with the number one goal usually being to lose more weight, get in shape or to get healthier. The goals sound worthwhile don't they? The only problem is that within months, most Americans forget what their New Year's goal(s) were, much less being on the way to fulfilling them. Want some Resolutions with Results?! The best way, is committing to do them God's Way. Let me explain:

Direct your goals away from your own abilities and back on track toward God. For instance if you’re trying to take positive steps towards getting healthy try this goal out:

Less sugar, more fruit. Less meat, more vegetables. Less soda, more water. Less driving, more walking. Less worry, more sleep. Less words, more actions. Less me, MORE GOD!

Those who use this time of year to glorify and honor our Lord, rather than ourselves with our resolutions will be blessed (Matt. 6:33). Putting God back into the process of making goals and trusting in Him to guide your path is the best insurance of success you could ever have. The more we take ourselves out of the equation of our lives, the more God is able to work miracles in our lives. Here's how the equation should look: My responsibility is to get out of the way and allow Him to work. His Promise: "to do exceeding abundantly beyond anything I could possibly ask or think" (Eph. 3:20).

It's been wisely said that…"NOTHING VENTURED = NOTHING GAINED!" You can't get anywhere unless you're willing to take a risk (the Bible calls it "faith"). Don’t be afraid to risk it all - taking positive steps of faith with God this year, as opposed to merely "leaps of the imagination." This year, with Him, I plan on doing that. How about you?

My prayer for this New Year is that is that we become more than just resolved, but rather glorify Him with resolutions that honor God and draw lasting attention to Him.

"13" may not be a lucky number. But I've got a special feeling - that this year... it's going to be a blessed one!

“This is the day that the LORD has made; let's rejoice and be glad in it…” ~Psalms 118:24.

A God blessed and awesome year to you!