Ever have the need for encouragement? I think I know the answer – ALL OF US DO.
I had lunch with a pastor I greatly respected through the years, Chuck Swindoll, (Former President of Dallas Theological Seminary). Over gourmet burgers at a loved restaurant, he shared how tough sermon preparation can sometimes be for him. As soon as you’re done with one, you have to start on the next one. I thought to myself, it’s like being an NFL kicker – you’re only as good as your last kick.
Now I’m talkin’ this was CHUCK SWINDOLL who was expressing the need to sometimes be encouraged in preparing for the next sermon. He’d been one of my greatest inspirations through the years, as I listened to his great sermons on his radio broadcast. If a pastor like Chuck Swindoll needs encouragement from time to time, how much more the rest of us?!
Then, in getting ready to prepare a weekend message the other day, an email popped up on my screen which humbled me while at the same time, put wind in my sails. The Lord must’ve known my need. It read:
Dear Pastor Shawn:
I never get a chance to tell you how important your messages are to us and how we feel so blessed to have you as our pastor. We have never found such a wonderful Godly man so talented, that holds our attention no matter what else is going on. And we are being fed as we attend. God Bless You and your family always.
Looking forward to seeing you this weekend.
(name withheld)
Like I said, I was greatly encouraged and touched by these words that showed up
just when they were needed the most! It’s amazing that God gives us exactly what we need – even when we’re not aware we need it.
My prayer is that you find some encouragement through this today – and the reminder to keep our eyes open for the ways God is reaching out to encourage us in those moments that matter.