Sometimes during the stresses and challenges of life, we forget the value of all that God has done and given to us, that's when it's easy to simply "camp" where you are, or even "quit." But it's during life’s tough times and difficult experiences that we all need to be reminded to “keep climbing!”
There are 3 different responses to climbing. Which one are you?
Quitters: They focus more on the obstacles, than the opportunities. They cop out, back out or drop out.
Campers:They decide to go forward... but only so far. They start... but soon, give up.
Climbers: They never lose sight of the goal. It may get tough... but there is no thought of quitting.
From time to time, all of us get reminders of how precious and fleeting life is. For that reason alone... don't quit, or camp... KEEP CLIMBING!
Climbing with You!
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