Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Life Begins...at 97!

Well it happened. My dad went to heaven today. June 26, 2012. 97 years old. What a day. What a Homegoing. It was perfect.

If you were with us at New Venture last weekend, you know that I told the story of how I received a call from the hospital on Father's Day that my dad had taken ill and was being admitted to the hospital. Obviously that changed the Father's Day luncheon that Laurie, Shawn Jr. and I were enjoying. I was told that his health was failing fast. In fact, his decline was so rapid that 24 hours later, the hospital informed my family that he was on life support and we would have to make a decision about pulling the plug.

That was over a week ago. The great thing was that we didn’t have to make that decision. He was taken off life support and the Lord kept him here with us another week – and what a week it was! Holding his hand, reading him the Word, singing songs, and speaking words of love into the ear of a great dad who was unable to speak or move, lying in that hospital bed waiting for heaven, and who undoubtedly heard every word that his grandson Shawn Jr., Laurie and I, and many others had a wonderful week to express.

Even as I write this, I’m smiling. Have you ever been both happy and sad at the same time? That was me when the nurse called and said, “Mr. Mitchell, I’m sorry, but your father passed a few moments ago. But he went peacefully.” I was immediately sad that he has left us for a little while…but oh so HAPPY as to where he is at this very moment!!! Reunited with my mother and two brothers, and most of all…being in the presence of the one he loved most – Jesus Christ. There’s no sorry in this story!! \

The Bible says, “to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.” (2 Cor. 5:8) I’m so happy my dear dad made it. He saw almost 100 years of life – but now…he REALLY begins to live!!

Thanks so much for your prayers for me and my family. We really feel them. I look forward to seeing my dad again, but there’s still more work for all of us to do down here first.

Tiffany, I hope that when you read this, that you will be as blessed and encouraged as I have been today, basking in the assured promise that, as Christ followers, we never fully die.

I’m reminded of what we discussed at last weekend’s Celebration Service:

Dance like No One’s Watching…
Sing like Only God’s Listening...
Serve Him, like it’s your Last Day…
Live like Tomorrow’s Not Promised...
Ad Enjoy Life…Like You’ll be Living Forever – Because You Will!! (John 11:23)

Much love to you. I’m looking forward to seeing you this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I love this story. I love life and look forward to crossing into the promised land of heaven someday!
