Debbie Reynolds son
recalled that when the movie legend first heard that her daughter had passed
away, she said: “I want to be with Carrie.” A few hours later, she, too, was
As believers and
followers of God’s Word, the Bible, we are instructed to be led by His Spirit
& not any other outside influence, including our emotions (Ephesians 5:18).
However, our lives are wrought with emotion-filled experiences that can deeply
move us. None greater than the departure of those we love.
Is it possible for the
emotions to literally cause one’s death? We’ve all heard of the touching
stories of elderly couples who, after lifetimes of marriage, die literally
days, weeks, or sometimes even hours apart. They are the most touching of
stories. In fact, there is science that confirms this. Upon research, I
discovered it’s called ‘Broken Heart Syndrome.’ The American Heart Association
says that Broken Heart Syndrome is real. It can be caused by an extreme,
emotionally stressful event’, causing a surge in hormones as a result that puts
stress on the heart.
Reynolds, who died on
December 28, 2016, commented while planning her daughter’s funeral with her son Todd that morning, that “she missed Carrie” and “wanted to be with her
again.” She also remarked of having some trouble breathing. He stated by TV
interview that, “In those exact words and within 15 minutes from
that conversation she faded out, and within 30 minutes she was gone.”
Her death appears to be due to stroke. But for many others, the reason for
passing is far more obvious - it was a broken heart.
The Bible is clear –
God doesn’t desire us taking life’s last journey alone. His heart aches for us
to know Him here, now – and one day have the assurance of spending eternity
with our heavenly Father, His Son, Jesus – and loved ones in Christ who have
gone on before us.
We don’t know when our
particular journey is; but I do know where I’m going… and who I’ll be
with. How about you? If you don't know the answer, start the new year by asking the question. And if you do, let's start 2017 with gratitude and praise for the only thing that matters in the end -- this year or any year.
God bless and Happy 2017.
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