Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The Attitude of Gratitude- Year Round

I have been reflecting on the Thanksgiving Sunday Supper that New Venture just presented on November 19, 2017.  There were hundreds of seniors, homeless, and military that were served a traditional Thanksgiving meal, given free haircuts, toys, and clothing. 

While contemplating just how grateful I am for all of the Blessings the Lord has shown me, I can't help but ponder what happens after Thanksgiving.

So often, we take for granted the simple things that we are given year round: food, shelter, hygiene, transportation, just to name a few.  And there are so many days during the year where it seems that life is rough... there are troubles in daily relationships, financial problems, the car broke down for the third time this month, etc.  But what real problems do we have?  If you really think about it, there are very few things in our day to day life that that are to be considered true hardship.  Are we hungry for more than a few hours?  Are we living in a third world country, with true hardship?  We are free to worship our Lord wherever we choose to.  We know that the sun will rise tomorrow! 

There are millions of people that have it much worse than we could ever possibly imagine.  There are families who don't know how they will get food to their children's bellies tonight... people are living through religious persecution who cannot even go to worship their God safely...orphans living in the streets, being trafficked internationally. 

With that said, Thanksgiving is more than just a day... it's an appreciation of where we are as a people, as a country.  Let us not go a day without thanking our Lord for our many blessings that we so often take for granted.

Take a look at the video (link below) from the Thanksgiving Sunday Supper- it will surely bring a smile to your face!

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Heartbroken! When Tragedy Hits.

HEARTBROKEN!  Went from an amazing Sunday of multiple services filled with faith, laughter, celebration, inspiration & many decisions -
to just moments before dismissal from New Venture Christian Fellowship, I’m handed a phone with the horrific details of the Texas church massacre of Nov 5,2017.

Shared & prayed with our church family, for an anguished &  grieving church family 1,312 miles away.

Heartbroken by the  tragedy, the enormity of loss to the families of the victims, & the fact that this dear church family in Sutherland Springs, Texas lost half its congregation today, with  27 souls (ages 5 to 72 yrs) that went to church this morning fully expecting  to worship God, and now, celebrate eternity with Him, in His Presence. Though comforted by this – I, like you, am deeply saddened by  the circumstances surrounding it.

In times of Tragedy,  like today’s –real  strength and comfort can be found in these Bible verses:
 Ps 23:4,6;  2 Cor. 5: 6-8;  1 Thess. 4:16-18;  Rev 21:4

God’s Heart was broken today. It always is when life needlessly is taken (Ez. 18:32). And yes, He has told us in advance – “Bad things sometimes happen to Good People… and Bad things sometimes happen to God’s People.” That was today.

Please join us, and  millions of others in prayer for  comfort, for the good… yet hurting people of The First Baptist Church in Sutherland, Texas.

Friday, November 3, 2017

New Venture's 29th Annual Thanksgiving Sunday Supper 2017... in 19 days!

This past Sunday, New Venture held our Autumn Open House.  It was a huge success for everyone: Immediately following our 10:30 am Celebration Service, the flood gates of fun opened!  There was a petting zoo, all kinds of different foods, a Trunk or Treat, carnival style games, bounce houses, a classic car show, a cupcake walk, and an incredibly talented juggler!  Everyone there had a smile on their face- especially the kids!  I really got a kick out of the kids costume contest, especially.  We had young people at New Venture for the first time who approached our youth pastors, giving their hearts to the Lord, and asking for further direction.  That's exactly what life is all about!

With that being said, I want to take the time to talk about the Holidays- in particular, the Thanksgiving Sunday Supper that New Venture Hosts.  This year will be the 29th year that New Venture feeds 2,000 people: homeless, seniors, and military families.  We serve a wonderful Thanksgiving meal, have live music, and provide hygiene items, haircuts, and toys for the children. 
It will be a great time, indeed.  There is nothing more rewarding than feeding others who are less fortunate which in turn, feeds our souls.

I encourage each and every one of you to reach out to us if you feel that the Lord is calling you to help us out with this event. 

May you have a Blessed weekend and the Holidays ahead.