This past Sunday, New Venture held our Autumn Open House. It was a huge success for everyone: Immediately following our 10:30 am Celebration Service, the flood gates of fun opened! There was a petting zoo, all kinds of different foods, a Trunk or Treat, carnival style games, bounce houses, a classic car show, a cupcake walk, and an incredibly talented juggler! Everyone there had a smile on their face- especially the kids! I really got a kick out of the kids costume contest, especially. We had young people at New Venture for the first time who approached our youth pastors, giving their hearts to the Lord, and asking for further direction. That's exactly what life is all about!
With that being said, I want to take the time to talk about the Holidays- in particular, the Thanksgiving Sunday Supper that New Venture Hosts. This year will be the 29th year that New Venture feeds 2,000 people: homeless, seniors, and military families. We serve a wonderful Thanksgiving meal, have live music, and provide hygiene items, haircuts, and toys for the children.
It will be a great time, indeed. There is nothing more rewarding than feeding others who are less fortunate which in turn, feeds our souls.
I encourage each and every one of you to reach out to us if you feel that the Lord is calling you to help us out with this event.
May you have a Blessed weekend and the Holidays ahead.
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