Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The Power of Perseverance.

The Power of Perseverance... we hear this phrase quite often.  Whatever it is in life that you are working through- whether it be a professional project, taking up a new sport, dysfunction in the family... whatever it may be, the important thing is that you FINISH what you started. 

Most of us are great starters, but lousy finishers.  The Bible specifically addresses the importance of finishing strong.  Eccl. 7:8 "The end of a matter is better than its beginning,
and patience is better than pride."  

Although it can be tiring and possibly frustrating to 'hang in there' until the end, good things will come about when you acknowledge God EVERY step of the way.  So often, we will complete 75% of our project and give up towards the end because that is the easier thing to do.  Persevering often feels DRAINING, and it is at times.  We feel like we are at the end of our rope and just cannot handle anymore.  But the human body and mind is capable of so much... even when it feels as if we are done.  

We can ALWAYS hang in there until the end.  There is always going to be light at the end of the tunnel so long as we rely on God to be the mastermind behind the end results.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". Phil. 4:13

Never, never, never, NEVER give up!

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