Thursday, July 5, 2018

Never give up on each other!

I have been GLUED to the news recently as the story unfolds of the boys soccer team in Thailand who have been trapped in underwater caves for over 1 week now. The SEAL Teams are currently debating on the most efficient way to remove the boys from the caves as it is monsoon season.  They have pumped some of the water out but have been ravaged by a giant downpour, stranding them behind a wall of water. 

This has become an international rescue effort that has the world worried and concerned.  The boys are being fed and seem to be in positive spirits even though some of them do not know how to swim.  The current debate is whether or not the SEAL team will need to train the boys how to actually scuba dive to get them out, or wait for the water levels to subside.  I cannot even imagine the terror that the parents of these boys must feel.  But we as a people, globally, will not give up in this rescue effort.  

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could apply this determination to help these boys in our daily lives as good Christians?  So often we get frustrated with those in our lives who are struggling, because sometimes it is a major inconvenience on our end.  But what would the world look like if we took a few extra minutes each day- even if it is just to make a phone call to someone that we know that may have something negative happening in their lives.

Galatians 6:2, "Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."

Putting in a small amount of effort really does make a MONUMENTAL difference to those struggling. Whether it's giving them a small amount of money, asking how they are doing, or maybe even offering to cook them dinner that night- It doesn't take much to provide relief to someone who is struggling.

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