Thursday, September 27, 2018

Body by Bible

Your body is a temple of the Lord.  We have all heard this quote so many times, but I can bet we never spend too much time actually taking this verse into consideration- and I am as guilty as anyone else!
If we really break  it down... our body is not actually ours.  It is simply an extension of us.  The Bible makes it clear that the Holy Spirit lives in our body.  What does this actually translate to when it comes to how we should live our life and how we should treat our physical self?  Keep it healthy!  Our diets are inevitably one of the biggest ways that we can treat our bodies in the holiest of manners. One way of breaking it down... "Is this something I would want to put into Jesus' body?!"

If the answer is no- skip it! You can apply this any habit or action: Regularly exercising, taking care of your mental and emotional health, choosing to wear your seat-belt in the car (or any other common sense safety measure), etc.

Your body ultimately belongs to Christ.  Treat it accordingly!

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