I don't often write about what goes on behind the scenes of New Venture, but this particular week has been action-packed for New Venture Staff. We have so much ministry going on at the church these days with the upcoming holidays: Thanksgiving Sunday Supper, Christmas concerts, Ring n' Run... so many ministry events to plan!
This week, the Leadership staff of New Venture took some time to fly to Ohio to visit and stay with one of our beloved Board Member's- Tony Foglio. (Check out the NV staff photo from the airplane!)
Pastor Tony Foglio has been with New Venture for decades now! The idea behind this trip was to get all of our Ministry Leaders together for some much needed rest and relaxation. A few days were set aside for the staff to relax together- but it is also a time where we have been able to press the 'reset' button and really come together to discuss the upcoming vision/s of New Venture as the holidays approach.
Working in ministry can be very tiring. Not many people realize the amount of time and work that each staff member puts into their respective ministries. The importance of resetting and not getting burnt out is crucial in order to be successful at doing the Lord's work. That's exactly what this trip has been for NV staff! While we have been pow-wowing for several hours a day- discussing, planning, sharing ideas... we have been able to reset, clear our heads, and pray about the exciting, upcoming days at New Venture.
new year well wishes