Friday, September 27, 2019


Today I had to go to the dentist for an emergency root canal.

The moment I hit that dentist's chair, I slept like a baby through the entire surgery. Best sleep I’ve gotten in a while was sleeping through a root canal (with snoring to boot:)). The dentist said I was an exceptional patient. I think it was more like an ‘exhausted’ patient :) haha.

Not only was it a great sleep, but a fun story (it spread quickly through the dentist's office). Jesus used storytelling as a powerful teaching and communication tool. His stories touched the heart, stuck in the mind, and were relevant to the hearers. I love a good story, how about you?! 

My favorite stories? Are YOUR stories. Particularly what God is revealing in your stories… and showing you in Life! 

I’d love to hear your story. Something your kid learned in Kid’s World? Prayed with a Prayer Partner after a Celebration Service? Big things happening in your Small Group? There’s no doubt that what God’s doing in your life - is no root canal, and definitely won’t be putting anyone to sleep! 

Got a story to share? Let us know. There’s a world waiting to hear!

Enjoying Him with you.

"Tell the story. Give God Glory” 
Comment here or email


  1. This has been the most awful month for my family. It's also been the best month in regards to miracles.
    I've been going through a lot of spiritual growth the past two years. And, I've found my calling. Since then me n my family has undergone near constant attacks from the enemy. This month was the worst - illness, Joshua's scary event, my health issues and more. God is so good. Through all of it, I've (finally) learned "no matter what happens its going to be allright because God is in control". This was such a learning time in this regards - to be all "throw it at me satan, you can't bother me". My god is the author of miracles! He healed my Josh, and made it so we dont have to move house!
    The best thing thst has happened is we found our spiritual family, our church, our place in ministry. We found our home and i feel so blessed.
    Catherine. The purple haired warrior for God

  2. Catherine,

    So sorry to hear of the time you and your family are going through. It's no accident that you've "been going through a lot of spiritual growth" and then are hit with a season of challenge and pain. The enemy of God doesn't want us finding Victory and will fight us at every turn. You have the right spirit and attitude and sound like you're fighting the battle with faith and the Word. We stand with you! God IS "the author of miracles." Amen!

    Can't tell you how blessed we were to read at the end your heart for your church home and family. You ARE home and we're better for it!

    Let's go get'em together Catherine! In it for Him! And in it to WIN. Standing with you and your family, living ALL IN for Christ!

  3. Thanks for taking the time to share this wonderful post with us. I am glad your root canal went well and I hope to see more from your blog soon. Have a great rest of your day.
    Dentist Philadelphia
