Wednesday, August 1, 2018

We live in a very fast paced world in this day and age.  We are so concerned about out own first-world problems, while hurrying to the nearest Starbucks, that we forget that many people have much greater struggles than we do.  I was at a coffee shop yesterday and I started up a casual conversation with the barista.  He informed me that he was very tired because he had two full time jobs and had an 18 hour work shift ahead of him.  I took the time to listen and then went on with my day after a "God bless you" to him.  On the drive home, something hit me about that conversation.  This gentleman was working two full time jobs to keep a roof over his head for his young family.  Me?  I was on my way to my next errand and then would head home at a reasonable time to work on my message and be with my own family.  The gentleman at the coffee shop was not complaining at all- he was simply telling me about his life because I gave the impression that I would listen.

But do we really listen to strangers?  Do we really show that we care by our actions?  

Matthew 25: 35-40

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